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Grief is like a Feral Cat

Grief is like a feral cat.  She doesn’t come when I call, and she doesn’t stay away if I ask her to leave me alone.  She shows up whenever and wherever she chooses.  When I see her coming, I never know if it’s going to be a friendly encounter, or if I’m going to spend the rest of the day soothing scratches and bite marks she left behind.

2021 Longest Night

Acknowledging grief and loss before God is an act of faith.  When we do this, we testify to the truth that no part of us is inaccessible to God, and we are loved as whole people.  Offering our pain and disappointment to God can be heavy, but it can also leave us feeling lighter.  It can make us cry, and it can also make us laugh.  It can put us in touch with our lostness, and also make us realize we’ve been found.  It can do all of those things at the same time.